poverty trap

美 [ˈpɑːvərti træp]英 [ˈpɒvəti træp]
  • n.贫困的牢笼(即使找到工作也依旧贫困,因为政府补贴相应减少)

复数: poverty traps

poverty trappoverty trap


usually sing.贫困的牢笼(即使找到工作也依旧贫困,因为政府补贴相应减少)
a situation in which a person stays poor even when they get a job because the money they receive from the government is reduced

poverty trap


  • 1
    N-COUNT 穷困牢笼,贫困陷阱(指穷困者所获得的政府补贴随自己收入的增加而减少,贫穷状况始终得不到改善)
    If someone is in a poverty trap, they are very poor but cannot improve their income because the money they get from the government decreases as the money they earn increases.


a situation in which an increase in income results in a loss of benefits so that you are no better off


  1. The Structure and Breaking of the Poverty Trap in Mountainous Areas


  2. Human Capital and Economic Growth-A Discussion about Poverty Trap of Economic Growth


  3. To break out of the poverty trap they need help from the government .


  4. The Experimental Analysis of the Theory of Poverty Trap in the CES Economic Growth Models


  5. Stride Across Poverty Trap Through Institutional Innovation


  6. With investment , Africa can become a great economy , and that will pull people out of the poverty trap .


  7. Parsing Institutionalized Poverty Trap of Peasantry & An Analysis of Institutionalized Linkage of Agricultural Economic System


  8. The range of incomes over which this happens defines the ' poverty trap ' .


  9. Turner escaped the poverty trap by drawing .


  10. In this article we analyze institutionalized linkage of agricultural economic system , which made Chinese peasantry fall into institutional poverty trap .


  11. Yet the world development report suggests that the main constraint on development these days may not be a poverty trap but a violence trap .


  12. He 's caught in the poverty trap and will only be five pounds a week better off if he accepts the job .


  13. The results suggest that China 's provincial income disparities are characteristic of persistence and deepening , and the problem of poverty trap become more prominent .


  14. Human capital is the source of economic growth , and inadequate human capital undermines long-term economic growth , makes economic development stagnant and drags it into the poverty trap .


  15. That basic human desire for a better life is at stake , as are prospects for lifting more than a billion people out of an eternal poverty trap .


  16. Combined with the life cycle theory , poverty trap theory etc , this paper proposes that how important it is to reduce asset poverty . It provides theoretical support for inclusive growth .


  17. Early in his life he was able to realise a dream of most poor boys , the dream that the way out of the poverty trap is through success in sport .


  18. If they are to break out of the poverty trap and prosper , they need – at the very minimum – fertile land , clean water and adequate sanitation .


  19. Eco-tourism : An Approach to Escaping From the Poverty Trap in Karst Mountains of Southwestern China ; Turning into the sun , he began the long , winding drive through the Cascades .


  20. Second , capital allocation , through a savings of mobilizing and mechanism of credit expansion , short-term inside promoted the rapid economic growth and make economic development from the so-called " poverty trap " constraints , which has played a positive role .


  21. Beware of the poverty gap trap .
